Friday, September 14, 2012

Excellent video essay on storytelling

On Scott Bourne's very-popular-with-photography-fans and highly useful blog - -  I discovered a link to an amazing little video essay found embedded in an extraordinary blog for writers: The insightful and inspiring piece is called "Ira Glass on Storytelling," but it applies to whatever creative project you have been trying to do (this is why Scott shared it with his photography followers, of which I am one).

Mr. Glass, founder, producer and host of This American Life on PBS, is talking primarily to "beginners" in creative work, however, he provides motivation for all of us, novice or beginner alike (it's only 2 minutes in length, turn on your speakers, click on start arrow twice):

By the way, if you're interested in writing, I'm sure you'll find, as I did that, is a truly different kind of instructional and informational blog for writers.