Saturday, January 14, 2012

These guys are fantastic!

A friend of mine, Don Geiken, recently alerted me to a trio of Italian "operatic pop" teenage tenors, consisting of Piero Barone, Ignazio Boschetto, and Gianluca Ginoble.I'm sure they'll "wow" you too! The young men call their trio Il Volo (in English: "The Flight").

Gianluca Ginoble was born on February 11, 1995 in Roseto degli Abruzzi (province of Teramo), in the Abruzzo region of central Italy, and grew up in the nearby hilltop town of Montepagano (pop. 1207).

Piero Barone was born on June 24, 1993, in Naro (pop. 8700) near Agrigento (Sicily).

And, Ignazio Boschetto was born in Marsala Sicily on October 4, 1994, but grew up in Bologna (pop. 362,000, in north-central Italy).

According to, the free online encyclopedia: the boys did not know each other until competing n their first vocal competiton; they all led similar lives in that they were popular in school, and, because of their outstanding voices, even as children, often were the leads in school music programs and plays.

So, turn up your audio, sit back and be prepared to be astounded. These guys are good and you can seem them at by clicking here. (Note, with Microsoft Internet Explorer, you may have to right click on that link, and "open in new window")

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